Like most technology, low voltage installations keep costs low, keep families and businesses safe, and keep us up with the times. Technology changes so rapidly because it’s constantly getting better, more efficient, quicker, and smarter. For this reason, it’s good to update your smart systems. However, you don’t always have to update the whole system. Integrating new parts as time goes on can keep your systems running smooth as ever.


Security systems are important to keep up to date. Always check to make sure that camera quality, alarms, locks, and sensors are all working properly. Security systems are easy to maintain. They usually last, with no updates, for about ten years. Some people might recommend checking them before that, but We Are More installs high quality products that should be good to go for at least that long.


Camera’s play a big role, if not the biggest, in any security system. Making sure to switch out your security cameras every 10 years is recommended, or even every 8 years if you’re trying to stay ahead. Clarity in day and night vision images shouldn’t be questionable. Visibility is the purpose of a camera. It should be easy to distinguish between objects, if it isn’t, you probably need an upgrade. If it’s not already included, you should also consider upgrading the camera system with discrete audio security as well (more info. on audio security is in the slideshow below).


Alarm systems can differ but if you’ve had an alarm system for up to 5 or 7 years and you notice it isn’t working so well, that doesn’t always mean it’s done for. The first step would be to change the batteries. That will usually have your system up and running good as new. After switching out batteries, if the system still doesn’t function properly, you probably have a system that is out of date, and you guessed it—time for an upgrade!


Sensor systems are part of alarm systems. They are the reason an alarm will go off. If a sensor system isn’t working correctly, it might be time to change sensors but not necessarily the whole alarm system. The best way to find out if sensors are working the way they should is to test them yourself. See if your sensors detect your movement. For more detailed information on sensors, check out this blog on The Beginner’s Guide to Motion Sensors.


Smart locks are the heart of your security system. When all else fails, smart locks probably won’t. Smart locks are meant to last the longest out of all components of a smart system. Deciding when to change out a lock is situational rather than malfunctional. The obvious reasons are as follows: somehow random people have your smart lock information (this contributes to having multiple roommates and letting employees go; when someone moves out or leaves the business, change the lock), the physical smart lock is damaged in some way, or if you lose a smart device connected to your security system and/or you forget or lose your key code. 


If you have any further questions or want a free consultation, don’t hesitate to contact On Guard Hawaii. We’d love to help keep you, your business, and your home safe and secure.


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